About Mason Bees
Mason bees are vital pollinators that significantly contribute to both the ecosystem and our gardens. With their efficient pollination abilities, these solitary bees ensure the survival and diversity of plant species. Unlike honeybees, mason bees are non-aggressive and rarely sting, making them ideal companions in our gardens. By providing suitable nesting habitats and planting a variety of flowering plants, we can support and conserve these valuable pollinators. Let's appreciate the important role of mason bees in maintaining biodiversity and celebrate their tireless efforts in creating a thriving ecosystem for us all.
How to make them feel welcome to your custom-made rammed earth house
1. Plan out Mason Bee Resort keeping in mind what attracts Mason Bees:
Suitable nesting sites: Mason bees are attracted to gardens that offer suitable nesting opportunities, such as hollow stems, holes in wood, or specially designed nesting boxes.
Diverse range of flowering plants: Planting a variety of flowering plants, especially native species, provides mason bees with a consistent and abundant supply of nectar and pollen throughout the seasons.
Avoidance of pesticides and herbicides: Mason bees are sensitive to chemicals, so creating a pesticide-free environment in your garden is essential to attract and protect them.
Adequate water sources: Providing a shallow water source, such as a small basin or shallow dish with pebbles for perching, can also attract mason bees, as they require water for various activities.
Sunlight and shelter: Mason bees are attracted to sunny areas that offer some shelter from extreme weather conditions, so ensuring a balance of sun and shade in your garden is beneficial.
Mud availability: Mason bees use mud to construct their nests, so having a nearby source of moist soil or mud can help attract them. Consider creating a muddy patch or providing a mud tray for their use.
2. Gather material
Wooden forms
Wooden rammer (a piece of wood would also work but the handle is nice)
Two clamps
Dirt- the ideal is subsoil found 2-3 feet underground made up of a 30:70 ratio of clay and sand. Learn more here
PVC Pipe with an internal diameter of 8mm

3. Set up the forms as well as prep the PVC pipes
Cut the pipes into equal lengths of 6-8 inches. In this example, I did 16
Lay out your wooden form in your desired spot
Smooth out the using your hands or one of the form pieces
Put the form together and clap each side tight

4. Mix water and dirt together
Mix with your hands adding small amounts of water at a time
The consistency we are going for is damp. We want enough moisture that when you compress it in your fist it remains the shape.
check out this video or this "How to" page for detailed process explanations

5. Pour in small amounts at a time laying down 1” ish pvc pipes
When compacted the earth will reduce by about 40%
Poor in approximately 2-3 inches of uncompressed earth. This will be a bit thicker as it is the base layer. lightly tap it down with the rammer to even the layer out
Aggressively ram the layer, focusing on the corners and edges, approximately 5 times in each spot
Sprinkle in some dirt loosely. This will give the pipes somewhere to sit. Butt the front right up against the front of the form and slide them back and forth creating a dip for them to be situated in
Add some more dirt on top. There's no harm in adding too much, however, if you notice that dirt is being displaced at the back when ramming the front then do add more
Repeat until full or no pvc pipes are left
6. Remove the form
Leave the forming in place overnight
Take off the clamps then in order to remove the wood pieces without taking some of the rammed dirt with you, use your rammed as a malette and tap the edges loosening it slowly until it falls over. Do the same with the other two walls.
The PVC pipes will be a little buried. Depending on the weather, give it a day or two to harden up. It is in a weaker state and more likely to crump if you try and push away some of the dirt blocking the pipe's entrance
7. Roll paper inserts
Grab a regular sized landscape orientate piece of paper and a pencil
Cut the paper into six pieces
Wrap the paper around the pencil at an angle, keeping the wrapped paper as tight as possible.
Tape the end off and remove the pencil
Insert these rolled tunnels into the PVC pipe and ensure no paper is sticking out. Cut off if necessary
8. Extras!
For shade and protection from rain and wind and leafy branches over top
Grab a clean shallow container and bury level with the ground. Poor water into it. Put a few rocks in that breach the surface giving the bees somewhere to sit
Put in a mud pit

Nesting happens during spring. For Canada that is March to April. The paper is for one-time use. The pipes and dirt can be used over and over again. Unless you add concrete, or make and compact the rammed earth perfectly and in the right conditions. It will deteriorate. So make this when it is needed. And when the new bees are long gone and the house is deteriorating, clean out the pvc pipes and reuse that earth to make a new one.